The Facebook message posted by, Jessica McCabe captioned “To My Mom, Who Drugged Me” has been shared more thank 3K times and the video version on YouTube has been viewed nearly 60K times.

The message is spreading like wildfire for one reason: ADHD impacts people. Regular people. Maybe you.

For most people parenting often feels like you’re just winging everything. You research. You listen. You ask for advice. You trust your gut, take a deep breath, and hope you’re making good decisions — that your child will be okay. Maybe that’s why this following post is resonating with so many people. Especially those who’s lives have been touched with ADHD.

The post reads:

What I want to say to my mom, who “drugged” me: 

Thank you. Thank you for listening when I told you I was struggling. Thank you for standing up for me when my dad tried to dismiss what I was dealing with as “normal.” I now understand ADHD is highly genetic and it’s likely he felt that way because he had ADHD himself. 

Thank you for taking me to get a proper evaluation so I understand my brain’s differences and don’t feel like it’s just all my fault. Thank you for taking me to a psychiatrist, month after month, to get a new prescription. I know you were busy, and yet I never ran out of medication because you took the time to take me to every appointment. 

Thank you for ignoring the people who judged you. I know there were many. 

Thank you for understanding that there was a difference between my sister occasionally forgetting her homework and me losing or forgetting something almost every day. Thank you for understanding that while all children can be fidgety or impulsive or get distracted, I struggled way more than the other kids my age. I now understand it’s because ADHD brains develop differently. You didn’t know that, you hadn’t done the research I have, but you listened to me when I told you I needed help. 

Because of you, I got the treatment I needed, I did better in school, I felt more confident and able to reach my potential. Because of you, I never had to self medicate like so many ADHDers I know. I never sank into depression. I never gave up on myself. I never felt misunderstood. You understood. You believed me. And when you did, when you took me to a doctor who could explain to me what was happening in my brain, you took away so much shame.

Parenting is hard. It’s about making hard choices and receiving unsolicited advice and second-guessing yourself all the freaking time. That is common. But so is ADHD. Share if you agree!