There are several different types of hornet although the one that appears to be getting the most press recently is the Asian hornet, also known as the giant hornet or killer hornet. This is because it is significantly larger than a typical hornet.

With a name like killer hornet, it’s understandable that people are being cautious. But, regardless of the type of hornet, if you discover a nest in or around your property, you need to find out more about your local pest control service.

Hornets can be very dangerous and aggressive. In fact, their stings contain a small amount of venom which can be deadly if you suffer from allergic reactions.

If you haven’t already located a reputable pest control specialist, click here to get in contact with one.

Why Hornets Sting

Hornets are bigger than wasps but they are from the same family. Despite being more aggressive they tend to behave in the same way as wasps. This makes it easier to understand and predict their behavior. 

The good news is that hornets won’t generally sting you. They need to be provoked first. You should note that if they do sting they will leave a trace aroma that attracts other hornets to the danger you present. They can also sting more than once, unlike honey bees. 

There is only one thing that will cause a hornet to attack and sting you, that’s if they feel threatened. Of course, there are many reasons why hornets may feel threatened. 

The most obvious is if you swat them, especially if you make contact but don’t kill it. They will instinctively switch to defensive mode and attempt to sting you. In this instance, you’ll need to kill the hornet quickly to ensure it doesn’t alert its friends nearby and they all attack. That can be deadly.

Another incidence that can threaten them is when you pass too close to their nest. Hornets generally build nests under eaves and in trees, these are usually fairly easy to spot and you can give them a wide berth. 

But, some hornets build nests in the ground. You may not notice the home until you’ve stepped right next to it. The hornets can consider this an attack and will respond viciously. 

If you have a hornet’s nest attached to your house or in the garden you’ll need to consider how close you need to go to it. The closer you are the more danger you’ll be in and the more important it is that you get the professionals to remove it. 

You should note that hornet nests are normally destroyed with insecticides, you’ll need to stay inside while this happens to protect yourself from angry hornets 

If you do come across odd hornets the best thing you can do is stay calm and don’t wave your arms around. They may inspect you and will realize you’re not a danger. You can then back slowly away. But, don’t run, the hornets are likely to give chase if you run, which is going to involve you being stung.